Health and Nutritional Benefits
Arugula leafy plants are packed with many different vitamins and minerals that are ideal for a healthy body and a clear, focused mind. Below are some of the health benefits one can get from consuming arugula leafy green regularly as part of a balanced diet.
- A low-calorie vegetable, arugula contains just 20 calories when you consume about 3 cups.
- Eating arugula fresh and raw lets you get the maximum nutrients. Cooking treatments promotes significant losses in the nutrients and other healthy compounds.
- Like many leafy vegetables, arugula is rich in nutrients such as Provitamin A carotenoids, which can be converted into vitamin A, a nutrient essential for growth, immune system function, eye health, and premature skin damage.
- Arugula has the highest content of Vitamin C or ascorbic acid, among the Brassicaceae leafy vegetables. Concentrated in the leaves, ascorbic acid is a powerful antioxidant that helps support the immune system, tissue health, and the absorption of iron from food.
- Arugula provides over 100% of your daily need for Vitamin K, which helps with blood coagulation.
- It is also a good source of folates or Vitamin B9, the growth vitamin, which is best prescribed for children, teenagers, and expecting and pregnant mothers.
- In a study conducted by the National Institute of Health published in 2014, it was found that compounds in arugula in general showed anti-ulcer, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective (prevents damage to the liver), and anti-cancer activities.
- Finally, arugula is packed with phytochemicals that are known to help prevent cancer.
- Unlike other green leafy plants, arugula microgreen have a low amount of oxalates that limit mineral absorption into the body.
With its many benefits, arugula leafy green is highly recommended especially in combination with other fruits and vegetables for well-balanced nutrition.