Parsley Herb
(and several other varieties)

Tips on Growing Parsley Herb
As a biennial plant, parsley produces its sweetest and most flavorful leaves during its first year of growth. In the second year, its flavor will gradually decrease as the plant prepares to set seeds. Here are some tips on planting, growing, and cultivating parsley for its leaves, stems, and roots.
- Parsley seeds germinate slowly, which may take up to four weeks. To hasten the sprouting, soak the seeds in lukewarm water for 24 hours before planting,
- Plant parsley seeds in moist, rich soil, with each seed positioned about 6 to 8 inches apart from one another. You may add organic material, such as manure and compost to thicken the soil and support nutrient absorption and vitality.
- During germination, water the seeds often to moisten the soil and avoid drying out.
- Planting indoors? Use a grow light to help the seedlings thrive. Position the light at least two inches above.
- If you are growing or nurturing other plants in your garden, place parsley near corn, tomatoes, and asparagus.
- If your garden has roses, planting parsley close to them enhances the scent and health of the roses.