Tips on Growing Chard Leafy Green
(Outdoor Growing)
- Chard grows best at approximately 15°F, but can also tolerate heat with adequate watering. Plants in warmer regions set seed in the second year and when this happens, the leaves are no longer tasty.
- Choose a location that gets full sun to part shade and organically rich and well-draining soil. If your soil lacks nutrients, treat your chard with nitrogen supplementation from a slow-release fertilizer.
- Start sowing seeds indoors 3 to 4 weeks before the last frost date or direct sow 2 weeks before this date.
- Do not allow the soil to completely dry out especially during the plant’s acclimation to its new location.
- Avoid growing plants that compete for water and attract pests close to your chard leafy green.
- Time to maturity is 50-60 days. Plan your planting for multiple and successive crop harvests. Harvesting often encourages new leaf formation.
