Cilantro Microgreen
(and several other varieties)
Tips on Growing Cilantro Microgreen
Here are some tips to keep in mind if you decide to plant, grow, and cultivate cilantro microgreens in your home or garden.
- Cilantro seeds take 2-3 days to germinate while time to harvest is between 14 and 21 days.
- Select a tray, about 10 in x 20 in, preferably with holes at the bottom, in which to grow your cilantro microgreens.
- The best choice for soil to plant on is a potting mix with vermiculite.
- Cilantro microgreen seeds are not keen on water nor want to be soaked and drained.
- Upon sowing the seeds, cover up the tray to keep moisture in and keep it in a dark place for 5-9 days. It is good to check the plants from day 5 to check signs of wilting.
- You may water them only every 3 days. Always water the growing medium (the material that your plants grow in), not the microgreen.
- The cover may be removed on day 7 and the plant moved to a sunnier location. If you prefer to grow cilantro microgreens indoors, it is advisable to locate them in a south-facing window or in a grower unit.
- Cilantro microgreens are ready to harvest between day 14 and 21. You may allow one extra week before harvesting for a slightly richer flavor. To check whether microgreens are ready, simply harvest a couple and taste them.
- Cut the stems as close to the growing medium as possible; Start a new cilantro crop after you’ve used up your crop.