Endive Leafy Green
(and several other varieties)
Tips on Growing Endive Leafy Green
Growing and cultivating endive leafy green should not be too difficult. Like lettuces, you can grow endive either in your home garden or indoors. Here are some tips you can keep in mind whether you’re a beginner or and experienced gardener.
- Endive is a cool-weather crop like lettuce and grows the same way. It is best planted in early spring.
- Endive grows best after having been started indoors. To give your endive a great start, grow it in small pots in the beginning then place them later in a greenhouse or warm, moist environment.
- Frost kills new plants. Transplant your tiny new crops at the end of spring, after any danger of frost.
- When outdoors, make sure to give your plant well-draining and loose soil.
- The plant enjoys plenty of sun but will tolerate shade like most leafy greens.
- Plant seeds in rows 18 inches apart at a rate of about ½ ounce of seeds per 100 feet of row. Once they grow, thin the plants to a distance of about one plant per 6 inches.
- Seedlings from plants you grew indoors or in a greenhouse should be planted 6 inches apart from the beginning. This will make then take roots better and be better plants.
- Regularly water your growing endive during the summertime so that it maintains a good green leaf.
- Endive leafy green should be ready to harvest about 80 to 90 days after you planted the seeds. Harvest them before the first frost, lest the endives that are growing in your garden will be ruined.